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Living Life to the Full Course


Could your mental health benefit from a little TLC (tender loving care)?

What is mental health?  Many people see mental health as only meaning not having symptoms of mental illness. When actually mental health means feeling good about who you are, having balance in your life and in your thinking, and responding constructively to life’s highs and lows. We all have mental health and deserve to feel good whatever our mental health experience.

Mental health can affect many areas of our life: work, school, home life, relationships with others, sleep, appetite, energy levels, ability to think clearly, make decisions, physical health, life satisfaction and more. Living Life to the full is a 12-hour, eight week course designed to promote your mental health and wellness. Life will always have ups and downs; having good mental health life skills can make all the difference to your life satisfaction.

There are 8 sessions, 90 minutes each, once a week. Trained and certified facilitators will teach materials and lead group activities to provide participants with the knowledge and resilient skills they need to cope with daily challenges.

Course Start Date: Wednesday March 4th from 6pm-8pm and runs each Wednesday evening until April 22nd  2020.


Cost: $198.45  (Subsidizes available through CMHA).

Contact Denise Butler (250)832-8477 ext 102 to learn more or register here.

Good mental health is essential to overall health and well being.

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